Pure, Whole Ingredients
Never Any Additives Or Fillers ~ No Added Salt or Sugar

Be Food Happy
Good food brings a special kind of joy. In our family, we call this being “food happy,” a full body-and-mind kind of happiness that gets you to your core.
As many of us focus on eating healthier, sometimes this food happiness falls away, and instead there’s a sense of deprivation.
Our mission is to give you pure flavors you can add to your own dishes that elevate your experience into the Food Happy zone.

About Us
Founder’s Story
I grew up as a picky eater, but the one thing I never turned down was any kind of fresh, raw produce, even if it was new to me or looked a little funny. Kumquats? Best thing ever. Uglifruit? Give it here.
Each summer and fall, my dad would take us to the U-Pick farms and I’d eat my fill of fresh peas, green beans, and berries. Our home garden, which he taught us how to plant and tend, was full of carrots and apples, and so many zucchini that my sister and I were assigned to drop some at the neighbors’ doorsteps, ring the doorbell, and run…

Our Farms
Where Our Food Comes From
We preserve fresh local produce at its peak, focusing on USDA certified organic veggies and fruits from farms in the Puget Sound region.
What We Make

Pure Ingredients
Single-ingredient dried produce with concentrated crunch and natural bold flavor. Perfect for...

Seasoning Powders and Soup Starters
Pure dehydrated veggies and fruit ground into easy-to-use powders for all kinds...